Here are some of my puppet manifests for Cloudstack and co. You can also find more information here:
I also recently did a presentation at the Cloudstack European meetup in London on the 11th April about deploying applications using puppet and Cloudstack. The talk was well received so I thought I would jot down the manifests that I wrote as part of the talk.
I also recently did a presentation at the Cloudstack European meetup in London on the 11th April about deploying applications using puppet and Cloudstack. The talk was well received so I thought I would jot down the manifests that I wrote as part of the talk.
Here is the Cloudstack manifest:
# Class cloudstack # # This class installs cloudstack # # Author: Oliver Leach # Date : 18th March 2013 # # Actions: # Installs the cloudstakc package # # This includes, the cloudstack-client, mysql-server and any install commands # # Currently the clodustack class is monlithic for demo purposes. # # Requires: # Centos - other operating systems are not supported by this manifest # # Sample Usage: # include cloudstack # class cloudstack ($mysql_password) { case $::operatingsystem { 'centos': { $supported = true } } if ($supported == true) { yumrepo { 'cloudstack': baseurl => "", descr => "Cloudstack 4.0.1 yum repo", enabled => 1, gpgcheck => 0, } package { "cloud-client": ensure => "installed", require => Yumrepo["cloudstack"], } exec { "cloud-setup" : command => "/usr/bin/cloud-setup-databases cloud:cloud@localhost
--deploy-as=root:${mysql_password} && /bin/sleep 3 &&
/usr/bin/cloud-setup-management && /bin/sleep 3 &&
/usr/bin/cloud-setup-databases cloud:cloud@localhost
--deploy-as=root:${mysql_password} && /bin/sleep 3 &&
/usr/bin/cloud-setup-management", creates => '/var/lib/mysql/cloud', require => Package["cloud-client"], } service { "cloud-management": ensure => "running", enable => "true", require => Exec["cloud-setup"], } } }
MySQL server manifest
# Class myslqserver # # This class installs cloudstack # # Author: Oliver Leach # Date : 20th March 2013 # # Actions: # Installs the mysql server package # # This includes, the mysql-server package # # Requires: # Centos - other operating systems are not supported by this manifest # # Sample Usage: # include mysql::server # class mysql::server ($mysql_password) { case $::operatingsystem { "centos": { $supported = true } } if ($supported == true) { file { "flag-files" : ensure => directory, path => "/var/lib/puppet/flags/", owner => root, group => root, mode => "0644", } package { "mysql-server": ensure => installed, require => File["flag-files"], } file { "/etc/my.cnf" : owner => "root", group => "root", source => "puppet:///modules/mysql/my.cnf", require => Package["mysql-server"], } service { "mysqld" : enable => true, ensure => running, require => File["/etc/my.cnf"], } $mysql_server_exec_1 = "0000000000001" $mysql_server_file_1 = "/var/lib/puppet/flags/mysql_server_exec_1" exec { "restart-mysqld" : command => "/sbin/service mysqld restart && echo
\"$mysql_server_exec_1\" > \"$mysql_server_file_1\"", unless => "/usr/bin/test \"`/bin/cat $mysql_server_file_1
2>/dev/null`\" = \"$mysql_server_exec_1\"", require => Service["mysqld"], } exec { "set-mysql-password" : unless => "/usr/bin/mysqladmin -uroot -p${mysql_password} status", command => "/usr/bin/mysqladmin -uroot password ${mysql_password}", require => Exec["restart-mysqld"], } $mysql_server_exec_2 = "0000000000001" $mysql_server_file_2 = "/var/lib/puppet/flags/mysql_server_exec_2" exec { "remove-test-dbs" : command => "/usr/bin/mysql -u root -p${mysql_password} -e
\"DELETE FROM mysql.db WHERE Db='test' OR Db='test
\\_%';\" && echo \"$mysql_server_exec_2\" >
\"$mysql_server_file_2\"", unless => "/usr/bin/test \"`/bin/cat $mysql_server_file_2 2>
/dev/null`\" = \"$mysql_server_exec_2\"", require => Exec["set-mysql-password"], } $mysql_server_exec_3 = "0000000000003" $mysql_server_file_3 = "/var/lib/puppet/flags/mysql_server_exec_3" exec { "remove-remote-root-access" : command => "/usr/bin/mysql -u root -p${mysql_password} -e
\"DELETE FROM mysql.user WHERE User='root' AND
Host NOT IN ('localhost', '', '::1');
\" && echo \"$mysql_server_exec_3\" > \
"$mysql_server_file_3\"", unless => "/usr/bin/test \"`/bin/cat $mysql_server_file_3
2>/dev/null`\" = \"$mysql_server_exec_3\"", require => Exec["set-mysql-password"], } } }
Apache manifest
class apache { $snat_ip = $snat_ipaddress case $operatingsystem { 'CentOS', 'RedHat' : { $supported = true } } if ($supported == true) { file { 'httpd_conf_d' : ensure => directory, path => '/etc/httpd/conf.d/', recurse => true, purge => true, force => true, owner => "root", group => "root", mode => 0644, require => Package['httpd'], } file { 'cloudstack_conf' : path => '/etc/httpd/conf.d/cloudstack.conf', owner => root, group => root, mode => '0644', content => template('apache/cloudstack.conf.erb'), require => File['httpd_conf_d'], } package { 'httpd' : ensure => present, } package { 'mod_ssl' : ensure => present, } service { 'httpd' : ensure => 'running', enable => true, require => File['cloudstack_conf'], } } }
and the ERB template:
LoadModule ssl_module modules/ NameVirtualHost *:80 <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName <%= snat_ip %> DocumentRoot /var/www/html/ Redirect permanent / https://<%= snat_ip %>/client </VirtualHost> Listen 443 NameVirtualHost *:443 <VirtualHost *:443> SSLEngine On #SSLCertificateFile /var/lib/puppet/ssl/certs/ca.pem #SSLCertificateKeyFile /var/lib/puppet/ssl/certs/cert001.pem SSLCertificateFile /etc/pki/tls/certs/localhost.crt SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/pki/tls/private/localhost.key RewriteEngine On ProxyRequests On ProxyVia On <Proxy *> Order deny,allow Deny from all Allow from all </Proxy> Redirect permanent / /client ProxyPass /client http://localhost:8080/client ProxyPassReverse /client http://localhost:8080/client </VirtualHost>
And the iptables manifest
class iptables { $ipv4_file = $operatingsystem ? { "debian" => '/etc/iptables/rules.v4', /(RedHat|CentOS)/ => '/etc/sysconfig/iptables', } exec { "purge default firewall": command => "/sbin/iptables -F && /sbin/iptables-save >
$ipv4_file && /sbin/service iptables restart", onlyif => "/usr/bin/test `/bin/grep \"Firewall configuration
written by\" $ipv4_file | /usr/bin/wc -l` -gt 0", user => 'root', } /* Make the firewall persistent */ exec { "persist-firewall": command => "/bin/echo \"# This file is managed by puppet.
Do not modify manually.\" > $ipv4_file &&
/sbin/iptables-save >> $ipv4_file", refreshonly => true, user => 'root', } /* purge anything not managed by puppet */ resources { 'firewall': purge => true, } firewall { '000 INPUT allow related and established': state => ['RELATED', 'ESTABLISHED'], action => 'accept', proto => 'all', } firewall { "001 accept all icmp requests": proto => 'icmp', action => 'accept', } firewall { '002 INPUT allow loopback': iniface => 'lo', chain => 'INPUT', action => 'accept', } firewall { '100 allow ssh': state => ['NEW'], dport => '22', proto => 'tcp', action => 'accept', } firewall { '100 allow port 80': state => ['NEW'], dport => '80', proto => 'tcp', action => 'accept', } firewall { '100 allow port 443': state => ['NEW'], dport => '443', proto => 'tcp', action => 'accept', } firewall { '100 allow 9090': state => ['NEW'], dport => '9090', proto => 'tcp', action => 'accept', } firewall { '100 allow 8250': state => ['NEW'], dport => '8250', proto => 'tcp', action => 'accept', } firewall { '100 allow 7080': state => ['NEW'], dport => '7080', proto => 'tcp', action => 'accept', } firewall { '100 allow 8080': state => ['NEW'], dport => '8080', proto => 'tcp', action => 'accept', } firewall { "998 deny all other requests": action => 'reject', proto => 'all', reject => 'icmp-host-prohibited', } firewall { "999 deny all other requests": chain => 'FORWARD', action => 'reject', proto => 'all', reject => 'icmp-host-prohibited', } }
Great post, most informative. I am glad to be a visitor of this perfect blog, thank you for this rare info. Find interesting DevOps blogs below
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