I have been working on gitlab recently and needed to write down some git examples, so here is what I came up with:
To roll back files from your last commit
If the commit ID is ce4c1645cad94cc69221607201bd86c8f33b6cc0, run the following command
git reset --hard ce4c1645cad94cc69221607201bd86c8f33b6cc0
reset without the --hard option resets the commit history but not the
files. With the --hard option also files in working tree are reset
To then push these files back to the master branch
git commit --all
git push origin master --force
To recovery one file from a previous commit
To find out what files have been deleted from the previous commit, run
git log --diff-filter=D --summary
This should give you information about which commit the file was delete from.
Once the commit ID is found, run the following command:
git checkout ce4c1645cad94cc69221607201bd86c8f33b6cc0 -- version_one_file_2
where ce4c1645cad94cc69221607201bd86c8f33b6cc0 is the commit ID and -- version_one_file_2 is the file
then run the following commands:
git commit
git push
Adding a FILE to a git repo
This is a very simple example but an important concept. Commands can vary depending on this example on what you are trying to do
create a new file
touch this_is_a_new_file
add the file to the git repo
git add this_is_a_new_file
this adds the file to the current working git directory
git commit this_is_a_new_file
This commits the file to a git snapshot
git push origin master
this pushes the files to the master branch
I deleted a file 3 commits ago. How do I recover that file
How to reproduce the example
1 - clone git repo
see above :)
2 - create a new file A
touch A
git add A
3 - commit and push
git commit A
git push origin master
4 - create a new file B and delete A
touch B
git add B
git rm A
5 - commit and push
git commit
git push origin master
6 - create a new file C
touch C
git add C
7 - commit and push
git commit
git push origin master
8 - try to find file A
run this command
git log --diff-filter=D --summary
it will show you what files have been deleted.
You need to checkout the previous branch; ie the commit before the deletion
You then need to make sure the file you are recoverying is the one you want
You then need to switch back to the master branch
You then need to add the file to the master branch
You then need to commit the recovered file
You then need to push everything to the repo
git log --diff-filter=D --summary
$git checkout
cdeb3d757f3adcc346da2ab171a825c113bdb50b~1 A
# note the ~1 rolls back to the previous commit. ~2 would go back 2 commits etc..
this just grabs that file in that commit and does not change branches
git branch
# check what branch you are on
git add A
# to add A back to the master branch
git commit A
git push origin master
Create a branch, adding file that does not conflict and adding the files to the master branch
Run git branch to show which branch you are using
git branch
* master
This shows you are using the master branch
To add a branch, run the following command
git branch new_branch
git branch
* master
the new_branch branch has been created.
You have not checkout the new branch yet. First, the following command shows the files in the master branch.
git ls-files
To switch to the new branch and to add a new file, run the following commands
git checkout new_branch
Switched to branch 'new_branch'
git branch
* new_branch
notice the * is now next to the new_branch. This is to show which branch you are working on.
You can check the files are the same as the master branch by running
git ls-files
Add a new file to the new_branch
touch file_added_to_branch
git add file_added_to_branch
git commit file_added_to_branch
git push origin new_branch
run the following to list the files in the new_branch
git ls-files
switch to the master branch and list the git repo
git ls-files
Notice that the file file_added_to_branch is not in
the master repo. To add this file, you can merge the new_branch to the
master repo by running the following command
git merge new_branch
Updating 76a5cab..30c41cc
0 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 new_branch_file
Note: You have to be on the
master branch to merge to the master. We changed to the master branch
before running the above git merge command
push the files to the master branch on the git server
git push origin master
The following shows the branch files and how to delete any branches
git ls-files
git branch
* master
git branch -d new_branch
Deleted branch new_branch (was 30c41cc).
$ git branch
* master
Delete the branch on the gitlab server
$git push origin :new_branch
To git@puppet-gitlab:oliver.leach/puppet-cressex-lab.git
[deleted] new_branch
NetApp SnapMirror is a pretty easy utility to use, but offers great power. NetApp snapview snapshots a LUN to a given destination either on a demand basis or a schedule. You can set this up via the UI or you can run commands via SSH. In the following example, we will be setting up snapview on a LUN.
However, there is one key concept here. You can dedicate different interfaces to handle different roles. So if you have your production data accessible on say e0a, then consider setting up your snapshot traffic on e0b. This way you do not flood the interface or the upstream network components. Also you are spreading the load.
Here's a quick overview or some key concepts you need to consider:
We have a volume
ontap> vol status cloud01
Volume State
cloud01 online
We have a lun
ontap> lun show
/vol/cloud01/cloud01-na-lun01 100g (107374182400) (r/w,online,mapped)
And this is our satatus of SnapMirror
ontap> snapmirror status
Snapmirror is on.
ontap> snapmirror destinations
snapmirror destination: no known destinations
We need to edit the /etc/snapmirror.conf file and place some information in ro configure a snapmirror job. Here is a good article on what options you can use. http://www.wafl.co.uk/tag/snapmirrorconf/
The following snapmirror.conf entry indicates that filer ontap1′s volume cloud04_mirror will mirror volume cloud04 via the ontap0-gig interface. The ontap0-gig interface is whatever IP address ontap1 can resolve that name to. In this case, it might be a gigabit ethernet link on filer ontap0. The mirror is updated at 9:30 a.m., 1:30 p.m., and 7:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. The asterisk means that the data replication schedule is not affected by the day of month; it is the same as entering numbers 1 through 31 (comma-separated) in that space. It is actually similar to a cron format.
ontap0-gig:cloud01 ontap1:cloud01_mirror – 30 9, 13, 19 * 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
The important part here is you can tell snapmirror.conf the interface name to send the snapmirror replication traffic down.
You may also need to set the /etc/snapmirror.allow to allow snapview connetions, otherwise you may see a connection denied issue.
Here is the commands you need to look at
ontap0> wrfile /etc/snapmirror.allow
This will configure ontap0 to allow snapmirror connections to ontap1. As long as the name resolution is set correctly, it will traverse the interface as generic IP routing will take care of the traffic flow.
The other iimportant thing you can consider is the bandwidth shaping. The dash (–) in the command above, which is actually at the argu_ments field location, indicates that both the kbs and restart arguments are set to default.
So what is the ksb?
Taken from the link above (I said it was good) is this extract:
The value for this argument specifies the maximum speed (in kilobytes per second) at which SnapMirror data is transferred over the network. The kbs setting is used to throttle network bandwidth consumed, disk I/O, and CPU usage. By default, the filer transfers the data as fast as it can. The throttle value is not used while synchronously mirroring.
You can set it something like this:
This means the transfer speed is set at a maximum rate of 2, 000 kilobytes per second.
Asyn, Sync or semi sync
In async mode, snapshot copies of the volume are created periodically on the source. Only blocks that have changed or have been newly created since the last replication cycle are transferred to the target, making this method very efficient in terms of storage system overhead and network bandwidth.
Sync mode sends updates from the source to the destination as they occur, rather than according to a predetermined schedule. This helps data written on the source system to be protected on the destination even if the entire source system fails. NVLOG forwarding and consistency point (CP) forwarding are used to keep the target completely up to date. NVLOG forwarding enables data from the write log that is normally cached in NVRAM on NetApp storage to be synchronized with the target. Consistency point forwarding keeps the on-disk file system images synchronized.
Semi-sync mode differs from sync mode in two ways. Writes to the source aren't required to wait for acknowledgement from the target before they are committed and acknowledged, and NVLOG forwarding is not used. These two changes speed up application response with only a very small hit in terms of achievable recovery point objective (RPO).
SnapMirror status?
We have can see the status through both the CLI and the UI. Here is the CLI
ontap0> snapmirror status
Snapmirror is on.
Source Destination State Lag Status
ontap0:cloud01 ontap1:cloud01_mirror Snapmirrored 00:00:29 Idle
Here you can see the command snapmirror status shows the output of the status of the SnapMirror replication. Pretty simple right?
The UI shows a little more information as shown here:

Nice images :( but you get the drift.
There lots more to this and maybe I will add to this blog at a later date, but you can see how SnapMirror can provide real time data by using synchronous mirroring for your volumes.
Also, using methods of traffic shaping and IP routing, you can traverse your snapmirror vols over a specific interface. Lots of good options. Enjoy!
# Depending on whether you run as root, you may need to use sudo.
sudo yum install gcc tcl tk sqlite-devel readline-devel gdbm-devel -y
sudo yum install tkinter ncurses-devel libdbi-devel tk-devel zlib-devel -y
sudo yum install openssl-devel bzip2-devel -y
sudo yum install httpd httpd-devel -y
sudo yum install mysql mysql-devel -y
wget http://www.python.org/ftp/python/2.7.3/Python-2.7.3.tgz
tar zxvf Python-2.7.3.tgz
cd Python-2.7.3
sudo ./configure --prefix=/opt/python2.7 --with-threads --enable-shared
sudo make install
ln -s /opt/python2.7/bin/python /usr/bin/python2.7
echo '/opt/python2.7/lib'>> /etc/ld.so.conf.d/opt-python2.7.conf
echo "alias python='/opt/python2.7/bin/python'" >> /etc/bashrc
echo "alias python2.7='/opt/python2.7/bin/python'" >> /etc/bashrc
***log out and log back in at this point. This is to ensure your bash rpofie is updated with the new python location***
wget http://pypi.python.org/packages/2.7/s/setuptools/setuptools-0.6c11-py2.7.egg
sh setuptools-0.6c11-py2.7.egg
wget http://modwsgi.googlecode.com/files/mod_wsgi-3.3.tar.gz
tar zxvf mod_wsgi-3.3.tar.gz
cd mod_wsgi-3.3
./configure --with-python=/opt/python2.7/bin/python
make install
curl http://python-distribute.org/distribute_setup.py | python
curl https://raw.github.com/pypa/pip/master/contrib/get-pip.py | python
pip install Django